Classes & Schedule

Hurray, here it is: The Schedule. You can download a pdf here

The class list with additional information about materials and cost follows below. It is sorted alphabetically by class name. The listing includes potential materials to bring and cost.

as of 06.11.2023

A short introduction to lamp work beads (Mistress Oriane d'Avallon)
Glass beads are quick & easy to make. It doesn't take that much material to just give it a try, that's what I am offering people with this class.
Materials: If you need reading glasses, please bring those; cost: 2 Euro

Ariadne`s Den... Come get tangled in string with the weavers! (Maestra Ellisif Gydasdottir)
Join Ellisif Gydasdottir, Maria Harsick, Johanna aff Hucka, and Catherine Weaver for social time and string fun. Pet the looms and finished bands, talk about tablet/card weaving, nerd over the fiber fun. Open to everyone from the simply curious to accomplished weavers, we'll be delighted to talk about all kinds of band weaving, rigid heddle, and string heddles.
Materials: Nothing needed, projects welcome!; cost: No

Astronomical chess and tables in the Libro de los juegos of Alfonso X. the Wise (Fruæ Geirdís Geirharðardóttir) - cancelled
Alfonso X., the Wise, also known as the Astrologer, commisioned a book about Chess, Dice and Tables games. We will have a look in this book - the Libro de los juegos and play games.
Materials: ; cost: Undecided

Band weaving from prehistory to the end of the Middle Ages (Mistress Johanna aff Hucka)
Band weaving with string heddles or a rigid heddle was done in our period, but most narrow wares research concentrates on other techniques. In this class I'll tell you what I have managed to find out about the subject, both the bands and the tools. You can see some of my recreation attempts, and if we have time, you can try band weaving with both a rigid heddle and with string heddles. Hopefully my pattern charts are freely available online by the time I hold this class, but if not, you will get them then.
Materials: None.; cost: Undecided

Basics of knife-making and file work (Lord Ingvar Gråhök)
This will go through how to use hand files to turn steel blanks into knives. There will be files and steel blanks provided, but if you can bring your own file, that would be useful. We will also discuss various ways of attaching handles to blades, how to harden and temper steel. There will also be sandpaper in a selection of grits, to allow for practicing hand-polishing.
Materials: No material required.; cost: Undecided

Beginners Archery Basics and Choosing a bow (Honorable Lord Jamil al Wadi)
Shooting technique and equipment
Materials: None - but bring your own equipment if you have it; cost: No

Book curses - what are they and why were such things used (Master Gilbert Blakthorn)
An examination on medieval book curses and their use
Materials: Inquisitive mind, pen and paper are optional; cost: No

Cider: A Live Experiment! (Lord Dominic Beniamin)
Come learn how the cider is made! You've gagged on it at Coronation. Now, learn how Lord Dominic managed to make such a vile concoction.

As a bonus, Lord Dominic will be making not one, but two(!) batches, with a small difference between them. His first live experiment! For those curious about the results, they will be presented as Arts in April.

A list of equipment can be provided to nobles wanting to follow along, but this is optional. Attendees must be at least 16 years of age, because Lord Dominic does not wish to be put in stocks for corrupting the youth.
Materials: I'll provide a list of equipment to those who wish to follow along, but this is optional.; cost: No

Dance Pellegrina / a beautiful slow Bassadanza (THL Elisabet Nilsdotter)
Pellegrina is a beautiful Bassadanza for three by Guglielmo Ebreo. Knowledge of basic steps like single, double, riprese and saltarello is good but not a must.
Materials: ; cost: No

Dance Rostiboli Gioioso, a flirty Ballo for two (THL Elisabet Nilsdotter)
Rostiboli Gioioso is a fun flirty ballo for two, written by Domenico. Everyone can do this dance.
Materials: ; cost: No

Drafting Designs for Tablet Weaving Based on Extant Examples (THL Catherine Weaver)
In this class we will cover the skills needed to determine the tablet threading and turning sequence of a tablet woven band, with particular reference to my work on the border motifs of an orphrey (1256-1864) held by the Victoria and Albert Museum, UK. Some prior knowledge of the mechanics of tablet weaving would be helpful.
Materials: ; cost: No

Fingerloop braiding workshop for everyone (Mistress Johanna aff Hucka)
Fingerloop braiding is a form of braiding where loops of yarns are manipulated to produce cords and ribbons. The technique was widely used during our period and we have several late-period manuscripts with instructions on how to braid different types of fingerloop braids.

This is a hands-on workshop, not a lecture, so you'll walk away with finished braids. You can be a total beginner or someone who wants to learn new patterns and maybe tackle some more challenging patterns. You can also bring a braiding buddy and try two-person braiding. You don't have to attend for the full time, either. If you have something else for the first hour, come in when you are available, or if you need to leave after 45 minutes, that is also fine.

To be able to braid, you need a minimum of two working fingers on both hands and some eyesight, but you don't need to bring anything. Children from the age of 5 are welcome by themselves as long as we have a shared language (English, Swedish, Finnish); otherwise bring an interpreter. Younger children can also learn to braid with some help and are welcome with e.g. an older sibling or a parent. As the class is a chatty workshop and not a lecture, you can bring a baby or a toddler, too, if you can keep them off the table with thread and scissors.

There will be some handouts, but you can also take a look at my beginner's class at If you read Finnish or are already familiar with this type of notification, you can also take a look at the braids at and if there's one you'd like to learn; all the text in italics is names of period braids and if you follow the link, you'll see a photo of a finished braid and the braiding chart, many also have a video of me braiding.
Materials: None. I'll bring everything, it all fits in a large tote bag.; cost: No

Fueling Your Fire: The Art of Persistent Motivation (Magistra Anna Syveken)
A (ver) short overview, some tipps and tricks how to maintain consistent motivation.
Materials: ; cost: No

Here there will be Monsters (THL Falko von der Weser)
Heraldic Beasts - An introduction into the bestiary of heraldic monsters
Materials: none; cost: No

Hey, Ancient Estrid, I always wanted to ask, Let`s Walk and Talk. (Baroness Estrid of Nordmark) - cancelled
Go for a walk with me and let's have a conversation! (Or, if it rains, let's find a sheltered spot somewhere.) I have been playing SCA in Drachenwald since 1985, I'm the founding baroness of Nordmark, I now live in Knight's Crossing and am a Laurel of the SCA. My core interest is jewelry, so maybe you would like to ask me about period bling?

OR We could also talk about research in general for instance. OR YOU can tell me about a project YOU are working on. OR we can just talk about SCA culture in general or a specific something. OR we can talk about pretty much anything else art/science/SCA related. You decide!

If you are completely new to the SCA, or have been playing for decades, it doesn't matter, for 50 minutes I'm at your disposal, for what it's worth. :)
Materials: No materials needed; cost: No

How to do late 15th century german for beginners (Meisterinne Renike Tucher)
I will go through what you need to know in order to make your own 15th century german/northern european garb, from the inside out. A workthrough over fabrics, stitches, fit, layers and accessories. For those interested, I will bring my handbooks on 15th century dress, mens and womens, for sale
Materials: none; cost: No

Improvising for heralds (and non-heralds) (Dame Sela de la Rosa)
The first time Sela tried heralding a court, it was EXTREMELY TERRIFYING. She took some improv classes and learned that, not only is there crossover with heralding, but there’s crossover with lots of things in our daily lives. Sela is going to talk about some of the things she’s learned about making court interesting, fun, and doable without being an anxiety pit. We’ll learn some techniques, play some games, to get okay with making mistakes. Due to the improvised nature, there is a risk of some strong language.
Materials: ; cost: No

Intermediate Archery Techniques and Timed Shooting (Honorable Lord Jamil al Wadi)
Participants will explore differences between timed and precision shooting, and tips and tricks for the SCAs unique archery.
Materials: Please bring your own if you have archery gear.; cost: No

Irish Pronunciation For Heralds And Others (Lady Fianna Rua Nic Mhathúna)
If you are one of the many people across our Society who are confounded by how many H's or silent letters the Irish language can hide in a single word, this might be the class for you. Lady Fianna will happily answer your questions on names and titles "as Gaeilge" to the best of her knowledge and give a simplified version of how to tell your Thiarna from your Tánaiste. No prior knowledge of anything about the Irish language or culture is necessary!
Materials: A notebook and pen, and a sense of humour - this can get silly...; cost: No

Knitting. Is that even period? (Mistress Ragnell Caxtone)
The short answer is, YES! But what items did they knit and what yarns did they use? I will show you what I have found out and bring some of my knitted items. We can discuss, share knowledge and compare notes. And please feel free to bring your knitted items and knitting projects I don’t mind if you knit while we talk.
Materials: None; cost: No

Leatherwork for beginners (M'lord Dagvyr Ironfist)
Making common use articles including bags and archery gloves
Materials: I will provide tools for cutting, tooling and stitching. There are some dye colors and paint also available. If there are specific requirements please let me know in advance; cost: up to 20 Euro

Make Paint starting with Rocks (Baroness Adele de Chadwykke)
This class will show you how to take coloured minerals stuck as lapis lazuli and ochre, refine them to make egg tempera paint, suitable for illuminations
Materials: No-one; cost: No

Medicinal herbs in northern Europe (Lady Lo (Lofnheithr) Halvarsdotter)
Medicinal herbs in northern Europe during the middle ages
Materials: None; cost: Undecided

Naalbinding for beginners (Honorable Lady Anna de Byxe)
Naalbinding is a cousin of knitting. In this workshop you’ll get to learn how “sew” knots into a fabric that works well for mittens, socks and caps.
Materials: I will bring materials for everyone but if the student has a needle they want to bring and/or a small ball of two-ply wool yarn then they should since then they can continue after the class.; cost: No

New World Foods in Period (Master Giano Balestriere)
This class will look at evidence for the introduction of New World Foods to Europe in the SCA period including some surviving recipes. We will also look at some travel accounts of Europeans describing American foods they encountered and trace the outlines of the enormous and often devastating process we call the Columbian Exchange today. We will not be cooking guinea pigs, but at the end of it you will know how they did it in 1581.
Materials: none; cost: No

Open illumination session (Lady Kytte of the Lake)
Bring your scribal supplies and work on your illumination projects, gets tips and tricks from each other.
Materials: scribal supplies; cost: No

Organizing a tournament in 87 easy steps (Baron William Gifford)
"Let's also have a tournament!" This sentence may sometimes cause mild panic as tournaments can take on various forms and focuses, while on the other hand it is not always easy to provide excitement for both spectators and participants.

In this class we shall attempt a general look at the basic types of tournaments, at how to put your tournament ideas into practice - and also at the first version of "William's Tournament Toolbox" that shall give you a set of elements you can mix and match to help you to get the best result for the planning time and ressources available.

The examples used in the class will focus on armoured combat, but the structuring and tool box can be transferred to the fencing field without problems.
Materials: ; cost: No

Period Games Introduction (Baron Colin Tyndall de ffrayser)
An introduction on how to play some of the period games commonly encountered in the SCA. Please note the focus is on how to play, not the history behind the various games.
Materials: n/a (I'll bring everything we need); cost: No

Pies, Tarts and Pastries of Renaissance Germany (Master Giano Balestriere)
German Renaissance cookbooks describe a wealth of tarts, pies and pastries. In this class, I will introduce you to a few of the more interesting recipes and address some points about cooking technique. We will talk briefly about crusts and more fully about fillings and shapes, and of course we will actually produce some pastries of our own to try and share.
Materials: none; cost: Undecided

Pimp your Nib (Mistress Oriane d'Avallon)
What it says on the tin: How to pimp your cheap metal nib to get the kind of thin & thick lines in your calligraphy as you see in the manuscripts. With the help of a few pieces of sand paper you can sharpen your metal nibs to get the look of quills.
Materials: Participants can bring their own paper/pergamenata and nibs or get a set from me at cost. I will provide the sanding paper.; cost: Undecided

Playing with Pearls: Ideas to enhance and accessorize your finery (Honorable Lady Bronwen Selwyn)
From trimming clothes to hand knotting a string of pearls. Ideas to put a refined, courtly aspect to your costuming.
Materials: You are welcome to bring sewing scissors or any jewelry making equipment you are comfortable with, but working tools will be supplied.; cost: 5 Euro

Rapier for One (M'lady Nadiana)
How often do you do something to improve your rapier skills? If your answer is, "Not enough," this workshop is for you. We will focus on exercises which can be realistically done with minimal equipment in any environment. Come to this workshop on footwork, point control, staying flexible, improving form, and all things rapier. This is an interactive setting where input is welcome. English und Deutsch
Materials: Wear shoes and clothes you can move in. Swords and masks are not required.; cost: No

Rapier Marshalling Theory into practice (Viscount Duncan Kerr)
Now is your chance to learn how to use a punch tester or mask tester. This will be a chance for people interested in rapier marshalling to use equipment they otherwise may not have access to.
Materials: Bring any equipment that you would like to test.; cost: No

Revenge tragedy. An author other than the Bard. (Viscountess Susannah of york)
Looking at the revenge tragedy of Henry Chettle. The play, The Tragedy of Hoffman.

Reading and translating from the original script and reading and performing a piece from the modern translation.
Materials: I will have handouts; cost: No

Shoes in the early 16th century - there were more than cowmules. (Honorable lord Erik Dalekarl)
An over view of shoe fashion around the year 1500.
Materials: ; cost: No

Silver Wire Knitting (the Not-Viking-Knit) (Mistress Oriane d'Avallon)
Making silver tubes with 0.3mm fine silver wire (or in this case brass wire) and a crochet hook. No, it's not Viking Knit or Loop-in-Loop. I'll show you extant samples of this technique and teach you how to od it, with kits of brass wire and hook for you to purchase. Or bring your own 0.3mm wire and a 1 mm crochet hook.
Materials: to be added later; cost: 5 Euro for kit

Spilling the T: Let`s talk about Tudors (Honorable Lady Bronwen Selwyn)
If you are a lover of The Tudors, whether those of the Royal House or The Everyman, here is your chance to share your interest with others. If this time in history is a new interest, come ask questions. Subjects can range from 'Was Anne Boleyn guilty?' to 'How did a housewife run the house?' We can share thoughts on our favorite references, our favorite Tudor house or our favorite portrayal of the Tudors. If you need help with choosing garb, references will be available. At the end of class, there will be a drawing for a copy of Ruth Goodman's How to Be a Tudor - signed by the author.
Materials: None; cost: No

Standing & Walking - a basis for footwork (Lord Ingvar Gråhök)
Through some discussion and a few exercises, we will explore the foundations of what makes footwork. The basis for the class is rooted in martial arts, but may also be applicable to dance and day-to-day walking
Materials: No materials required; cost: No

The Basic of Ink making (THL Alfhild de Foxley)
In this class we look at different ink recipes and what you might expect the final results to be.
Materials: ; cost: No

The Chartres Bliaut (Baroness Rogned Stengrimova)
Recreating a bliaut from the Chartres cathedral; smocking, construction, tips & tricks
Materials: please bring your own embroidery scissors. If you can please bring tailor's chalk and a quilter's ruler.; cost: No

The Irish Feast, beginning with one dish and then another and another (Honourable Lady Meadhbh Rois Ineagh Ui Chaoimh)
How to go about making an Irish feast, you can do it.the research for this is probable, based on story myth and legend, archaeology, trade, a little bit of this and little bit of that, elements of truth and elements of story, a little modern science
Materials: ; cost: No

The Sexiest Sheet You`ll Ever Wear – Late Roman female clothing on a budget (Magistra Anna Syveken)
4th/5th century Western Roman clothing for women and how to make a quick and easy tunic on a budget.
Materials: ; cost: No

When to challenge is a challenge -Intro to tournament challenges (Baron William Gifford)
That the participants are to challenge each other to the individual fights has become a common ingredient of „ambience“ tourneys.

However, often fighters both new or old feel a little discomfort in this situation. How do I find the right words on the spot? How do I sound „stylish“ and “medieval“ enough? Can I do it wrong?

This class is a first attempt at giving you some background, structure and hints so you can get rid of „challenge stress“ and don’t get disturbed before your fight.

Materials: Paper & pencil; cost: No

Women`s fashion in the Age of Dante and Giotto (Mesterinne Aleydis van Vilvoorde)

An deep dive into late 13th and early 14th century Italian women's fashion

Materials: ; cost: No

You are, what your Device says you are (THL Falko von der Weser)

Canting Arms in Heraldry - An introduction into the Art of visual puns and speaking devices

Materials: none; cost: No